[Webinar] Ways to Enhance Your Organization’s Vulnerability and Threat Detection in Your SAP Environment

SAP systems are more than just an application. SAP is a complex platform with business solutions that have a wide range of administrative functions, such as configuration, user, and authorization management. These applications are used to optimize and configure the platform according to an individual company’s needs.
In this webinar, we will discuss why it is not sufficient for a secure system environment to focus solely on cyclical vulnerability monitoring (auditing). We will show, in short examples, why reliable real-time threat monitoring is also recommended for system monitoring. Ideally, vulnerability management is closely linked to your real-time monitoring and works together.
Join us for a webinar where we show you how the Pathlock solution can be used to face a variety of challenges within a holistic SAP vulnerability management and threat detection environment.
Clemens Guetter
SAP Architect
Raphael Kelbert
Product Manager