How to Reduce Access Risk Across Your SAP Application Landscape
Managing appropriate access across applications continues to be a challenge. Siloed approaches can lead to increased risk due to improper access that is not identified and corrected quickly, as well as inefficiencies due to manual provisioning across these applications. In addition, compliance can become problematic because proof of fine-grained access rights cannot be provided to auditors.
With these siloed systems, it becomes difficult to uncover Segregation of Duties (SoD) violations. For example, a user might have access privileges to a purchasing system, and due to new responsibilities and growth in the position, may need access to a payables system later on. That SoD conflict may never become apparent until long after the fact. If policy checks are not run at the point of access request, there’s no preventive control.
The employee is likely unaware of the potential for sensitive conflicts in their privileges when requesting access to the new system. Without knowing the risks or conflicts, it is impossible to manage, mitigate, or monitor violations proactively. Instead audit and compliance teams must scramble each quarter to find and review access conflicts after the fact.
There may be valid reasons for approving exceptions to the SoD policies. However, it is almost impossible to monitor and attest to conflicts and violations once they have been introduced. They typically become a silent problem for the compliance team to uncover.
So how do you manage Segregation of Duties (SoD), critical and sensitive access, and super-user access effectively and efficiently across the enterprise? Ready to achieve a unified, enterprise-wide approach to managing access risk? View the video to learn more.