[Podcast] Potential ERP Data Security And Compliance Risks For Legacy Applications
Appsian’s Executive Director for Security Solutions, Greg Wendt, appears in the latest episode of Brilliance Security Magazine Podcast. The focus of the conversation between Greg and host Steven Bowcut is legacy ERP data security and compliance. Their wide-ranging conversation also includes some of the potential security risks associated with legacy applications, what companies can do to protect sensitive data in a post-COVID world, and thoughts on the possibility of a federal data privacy law.
Listen to the full episode here:
Episode Highlights
Legacy ERP applications were initially designed to give users easy access to data and business processes. They were never designed to meet the demands of today’s remote access requirements, let alone provide the security necessary to protect ERP data from internal or external threats.
While there is no silver bullet for comprehensive ERP data security and compliance, Greg recommends that organizations deploy a multi-layered security model to determine who should access what data and when.
ERP data security and compliance are going to have an interesting couple of years. Currently, there isn’t a federal data privacy law. A couple of states implemented their own, with California’s CCPA being the most notable, and more than a dozen other states have laws on the docket. The last thing we need is 50 different state data privacy laws. Greg’s “prediction” is that we’ll soon have a federal law, which will drastically affect some of the compliance requirements.
To learn more about how a multi-layered security approach can protect your ERP data from internal and external threats, contact the security experts at Appsian today.