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Modernize Identity Governance Administration (IGA)

Go Beyond IGA with Fine-Grained Governance

Ensure Your Critical Business Applications Remain Secure, Compliant, and Audit-Ready

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Traditional, Course-Grained IGA Solutions are Not Focused on Application Risk

Traditional identity governance administration (IGA) solutions are focused on applying broad security policies across a wide variety of applications – and are not focused on addressing entitlement risk. This can lead to over-provisioned users, orphaned accounts, and significant blind spots for fraud and misuse of data.

Organizations should go beyond traditional, course-grained IGA to future-proof their compliance and governance programs. This begins with investing in technology that focuses on identifying entitlement risk before security roles go into production; along with monitoring 100% of transaction activity.

Pathlock Cloud meets you where you are today in your governance journey, and then helps you achieve your compliance goals for tomorrow. Capabilities include streamlining IT and business processes for provisioning, de-provisioning, user access reviews, access risk analysis and elevated access management. The addition of these capabilities results in a more cost-effective, efficient, and timely IGA program.

segregation of duties

Related Pathlock Solutions Ensure Your Critical Business Applications Remain Secure, Compliant and Audit Ready

Pathlock Cloud offers a range of purpose-built solutions that combine identity governance and application access governance to help IT, business, and audit teams manage risk across their critical business apps.

Pathlock Cloud automates the full breadth of identity lifecycle management, with risk and compliance being the center of your identity governance focus. From initial new user creation and provisioning, through access changes and de-provisioning, Pathlock is continuously monitoring transaction activity and entitlement usage to ensure users have the access they require – nothing more and nothing less. Audits are supported by a full trail of who requested and approved a user’s access.

Cross application risk reporting, along with support for business roles complete a robust approach to end-to-end user lifecycle and risk management.

Access Risk Analysis
Identify role and user conflicts and manage separation of duties (SoD) for all of your critical business applications
Compliant Provisioning
Onboard, manage and remove user access efficiently to maintain regulatory compliance
Reduce the effort, and cost, needed to manage user, role, risk and control reviews
Elevated Access Management
Audit-ready temporary, sensitive access, via automated workflows
Role Management
Automate the manual efforts required to design, build and maintain single and multi-application business roles

Resources Expert Insights and Best Practices

Learn How Pathlock Can Automate Compliant Provisioning and User Access Reviews Across Your Critical Business Applications