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Automating SAP Cybersecurity: Decoding Threats and Streamlining Solutions
4 min read
Published: 10.24.2023 | Updated: 02.13.2025

Many enterprises rely on SAP applications to manage their essential operations in today’s digital world. As organizations undergo digital transformation and migrate to SAP S/4HANA, their SAP systems become more complex and are spread across multiple environments, increasing the risk of cyberattacks. The sheer number of assets and configurations can make it difficult for even experienced security professionals to continuously monitor all aspects of their numerous systems and ensure they are adequately protected.

Businesses cannot rely on manual processes alone to protect SAP systems from these evolving threats. Automating SAP cybersecurity can help companies detect threats in real time, simplify analysis, and proactively reduce the attack surface.

Navigating the Complexities of SAP Cybersecurity

Modern SAP applications often span multiple hosting environments, making it challenging for security teams to manage the complex cyber threat landscape. Organizations that lack automated processes for SAP cybersecurity must face several multifaceted issues, including:

1. Managing Complex SAP Environments: SAP systems consist of diverse modules, data repositories, and integrations, requiring detailed oversight. The sprawl of assets and configurations across hybrid environments makes it necessary for security teams to monitor and safeguard numerous systems.

2. Addressing the Evolving Threat Landscape: The ever-changing cyber threat landscape demands continuous system monitoring and a deep understanding of potential risks.

3. Streamlining Threat Remediation and Patching: Decoding threats, prioritizing fixes based on business risks, and orchestrating patch management pose significant hurdles for security teams to address critical system risks systematically.

4. Ensuring Robust User Access and Configuration Management: Manual processes for managing user access and configurations can create potential security gaps and vulnerabilities. This often extends beyond the vulnerabilities typically addressed by SAP security notes and open-source threat intelligence.

Leveraging Automation in SAP Cybersecurity: A Modern Imperative

Automation is pivotal in helping businesses stay ahead of sophisticated cyber attackers and their constantly evolving tactics. Automating SAP cybersecurity allows companies to allocate their time and resources more effectively, minimize human error, and establish repeatable and efficient threat detection and response procedures. Specifically, automation can empower SAP Basis and Security teams to:

Continuous Monitoring: Automation allows continuous monitoring of SAP cybersecurity processes, including vulnerability scans and advanced threat detection, to identify complex threats that manual mechanisms may miss.

Streamline Patch Management and Threat Remediation: Automating patching and threat response reduces critical system exposure time by identifying vulnerabilities, assessing potential impacts, and deploying patches without manual intervention.

Simplify User Access Control: Automation can dynamically manage user access based on roles, attributes, and responsibilities while reducing the risk of unauthorized access. It can also mask sensitive data based on user-specific permissions and access authorizations, cultivating a least-privilege model.

Optimize Configuration Management: Automated configuration checks identify potential threats and ensure alignment with cybersecurity best practices. Real-time remediation of misconfigurations simplifies the security team’s job.

Pathlock CAC: Automating Threat Detection and Analysis in SAP Landscapes

Pathlock’s Cybersecurity Application Controls (CAC) can help you identify and monitor any suspicious activities or anomalies in real time across your complete SAP environment. This includes system configurations, authorizations, security and change logs, and unwanted downloads. With Pathlock’s CAC product, SAP Basis teams can effortlessly and continuously detect, analyze, and correlate complex threats at scale.

Efficient Threat Detection: In case of a security breach, our module promptly sends out alerts and categorizes the response based on predefined rules. This helps you to concentrate on addressing the most severe threats first. As a result, Pathlock CAC customers typically experience an 80% reduction in their threat detection and remediation timeframes.

Counter Complex Threats: Pathlock’s Threat Detection analyzes logs from 60+ threat intelligence data sources to detect critical and complex threats in your application environment. It helps SAP Security and Basis teams take appropriate countermeasures to protect business processes and data, reducing the risk of breaches. It also integrates seamlessly into all SIEM solutions to work in cross-application security teams.

Automate Data-Driven Threat Analysis: Pathlock’s CAC product automates threat analysis by offering customizable detection patterns, 1500+ OOTB detection rulesets, and robust threat intelligence data sourcing. This allows organizations to proactively identify system weaknesses and take targeted action for threat mitigation.

If any of the above-outlined challenges and solutions resonate with your organization’s SAP Security and Basis teams, talk to our cybersecurity experts to see how Pathlock Threat Detection works in real threat scenarios. Schedule a demo today.