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Organizations are managing a daunting task of safeguarding access to their PeopleSoft application and data from internal and remote users, which can include thousands of third-party service providers combined with a constant flow of requests for changes to existing levels of access from users. On top of that challenge, they must manage potential security breaches from hackers attempting to gain unauthorized access to systems and data.

Additionally, they must maintain effective SoD controls for various regulatory compliance mandates such as Sarbanes-Oxley, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, etc. Together this creates an atmosphere of constant battling to maintain effective security controls to mitigate the organization's risk exposure. The challenge comes when strict user authentication, and with that access governance policies must be enforced.

In this session, we will discuss how the Zero Trust approach aligns the context of user access with what a user is trying to do - and assesses for risk. Thus, dynamically granting or restricting access if the risk is detected.

Join us as we discuss how the Zero Trust security model:

  • Ensures seamless access without compromising compliance
  • Reduces access risk through automation and provides continuous monitoring
  • Improves compliance posture and visibility while increasing productivity by 90%

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