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Staying current with regulatory changes in a complex business landscape can be challenging for PeopleSoft teams but not impossible. While organizations are trying to keep pace, they often view compliance as a burden. This often leads to cracks in user provisioning that is foundational to complying with new regulations and internal policies. The key concern with PeopleSoft teams is that they manually examine volumes of accounts and profiles for user provisioning. Not only is this time-consuming and resource-draining, but it could also lead to human errors and exposed vulnerabilities. As a result, organizations are increasingly automating PeopleSoft user provisioning to adhere to mounting regulations and policies.

Why Is PeopleSoft User Provisioning So Challenging?

Sensitive and business-critical data resides in PeopleSoft applications, and users with elevated access to these data pose the most significant risk to security. The bigger problem with PeopleSoft applications is managing the accounts of users who have newly joined, offboarded, or moved to a different role or account. PeopleSoft applications often fail to remove these inactive accounts, which are vulnerable to compromise or privilege escalation by internal or external attackers. Companies need automated user provisioning solutions to minimize manual examination of volumes of data and eliminate redundant accounts.

6 Ways Automated PeopleSoft User Provisioning Ensures Compliance

The cost of non-compliance is high. That said, compliance is just your floor and not the ceiling. Evolving regulatory requirements and expanding tech stacks require companies to quickly respond to dynamic risks. Meeting these standards is fundamental to achieving compliance. Here’s how automated user provisioning solutions are a game-changer:

  • SoD enforcement: Automated user provisioning helps organizations create designated delegation rules, approver notifications, escalations, and SoD rules and strengthen SoD controls in PeopleSoft. This minimizes SoD conflicts and potential fraud.
  • User access and authorizations: Access and authorizations for inactive PeopleSoft accounts often remain intact and could be the gateways to compromised security. Compliant user provisioning entails coarse-grained authorizations related to functionality access and fine-grained authorizations related to data and field-level access. This helps reduce critical access risk.
  • Context-aware controls: Providing context for user identities across applications helps provide context for policy violations and attribute-level fine gain provisioning to understand who is given access to what roles and how they are utilizing those privileges.
  • Prevent privilege misuse: Automated user provisioning in PeopleSoft helps enable periodic access reviews to capture a full audit trail of privileged user activities to prevent privilege abuse and proactively remediate risk.
  • Improves audit readiness: Automated provisioning helps streamline workflows, mitigate risks, and captures a complete audit trail of requests and approvals.
  • Reduced manual effort and complexity: Automatically removing unused accounts with elevated permissions eliminates the need for the manual reporting of false positives.

How Pathlock Helps PeopleSoft Customers Automate User Provisioning

Pathlock’s automated PeopleSoft user provisioning solution lets you capture, assess, and respond to regulatory changes. Listed below are some of the capabilities that let you enable continuous compliance across applications.

  1. SoD Management: Automated, compliant provisioning allows you to monitor for SoD conflicts when adding or changing user access while creating or deleting accounts.
  2. Auto-deprovisioning: With ad-hoc or periodic reviews, you can identify inactive PeopleSoft accounts and auto-deprovision inappropriate access.
  3. Context-aware continuous monitoring controls: Pathlock helps mitigate access risks by applying fine-grained dynamic security controls based on contextual data such as user role, location, behavior, time, applications, devices, data, and more. 
  4. Privileged Access Management: You can seamlesslymanage, monitor, and ensure compliance for elevated access across applications via Pathlock’s unified platform.
  5. Audit readiness: Our solution provides auditors with complete holistic visibility into internal controls and their effectiveness. It also provides out-of-the-box, auditor-vetted, and continuously updated integrations and rulesets across applications.
  6. Reduced manual effort: Seamless access provisioning saves time by automating manual provisioning workflows in PeopleSoft.

Schedule a demo with our experts to enable Pathlock’s automated user provisioning solution for your PeopleSoft applications.

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